Hands-On Programming with R by G Grolemund; R for Data Science by H Wickham and G Grolemund; Advanced R by H Wickham
Data Science (Eng) 774 & 874
The Data Science Design Manual by Steven S Skiena
Applied Machine Learning 774 & 874
Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics, Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies by John D Kelleher, Brian Mac Namee, Aoife D’Arcy (Second Edition), MIT Press, 2021; Computational Intelligence: An Introduction by AP Engelbrecht (Second Edition), Wiley\& Sons, 2007 (supplementary book)
Optimisation (Eng) 774 & 874
Metaheuristics – From design to implementation by El-Ghazali Talbi, Wiley & Sons, 2009; Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms by WL Winston (Fourth Edition), Brooks/Cole, ISBN: 978-0-534-42362-9, 2003
Big Data Technologies (Eng) 774 & 874
Supplementary materials to be provided
Data Analytics (Eng) 774 & 874
To Be Determined
Deep Learning (Industrial Engineering 874)
Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, MIT Press, 2016; Dive into Deep Learning
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